"تأتي أفضل الأفكار من دراسة المشاكل التي تهمك."
— Satya Nadella
Simplified Meaning:
When you find something that catches your interest, you tend to think about it more deeply. This way, you're more likely to come up with really good solutions or ideas. Imagine you love video games and notice that a game you play crashes often. Because this is interesting to you, you spend extra time figuring out why it happens and might even come up with ways to fix it. Since it's a topic you care about, you're more persistent and creative in solving the problem. Applying this to your life, try focusing on things that you find exciting or important. You'll be more motivated, and your ideas will probably be better!
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Creativity Curiosity Ideas Innovation Inspiration Interest Introspection Motivation Passion Problem-solvingFEATURED QUOTES