"الشعر ليس انطلاقا للعاطفة بل هروب من العاطفة"
— T. S. Eliot
Simplified Meaning:
When people write poetry, it's not about just letting their feelings run wild and uncontrolled. Instead, it's more like finding a way to step away from their emotions and look at them from a distance. Think of it like this: imagine you're feeling really angry or sad. If you just scream or cry, you're letting your emotions go crazy. But if you write a poem, you're not just expressing those emotions. Instead, you're using skills and creativity to shape those feelings into something meaningful and beautiful. For example, consider a painter who's had a tough day. Instead of throwing paint all over the canvas in a wild fit, they take their time. They choose their colors carefully, think about the image they want to create, and use their emotion to guide their brush in a deliberate way. This painter is not just letting their feelings take over; they are using their feelings to produce thoughtful art. When someone writes poetry, they're doing something similar. They're taking their feelings and turning them into words that others can understand and connect with. By doing this, they can actually find relief and a sense of peace. This way of channeling emotions can help people deal with their feelings more effectively. Rather than getting lost in their emotions, they shape them into something that makes sense and can be shared with others.