"Sentarse en casa, leer el periódico favorito y burlarse de los errores de los hombres que hacen cosas es fácil, pero es notablemente ineficaz. Es en lo que los hombres malvados cuentan con que los hombres buenos hagan."
— Theodore Roosevelt
Simplified Meaning:
Just reading about bad things happening and making fun of those who are trying to change them doesn't actually help solve any problems. Imagine you see a littered park in your neighborhood. It's easy to sit at home, complain about how messy it is, and criticize people who try to clean it up. But these actions do nothing to improve the park's condition. In fact, the people who litter are counting on you doing nothing but complaining, because that way, they won't have to face any real consequences or change their behavior. Instead, think about actually joining the cleanup efforts. By getting involved, you help make a real difference and discourage bad behavior. This idea can be applied to many areas in life, where active participation leads to positive change, rather than just passive criticism.