"Le véritable amour est composé de quatre éléments : la bienveillance, la compassion, la joie et l'équanimité."
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Simplified Meaning:
True love means showing deep kindness and care for others, feeling happy for them, understanding their feelings, and staying balanced and calm no matter what happens. Imagine you have a friend who is going through a tough time. Showing true love to this friend means you are kind and help them feel better, you feel their pain and want to help them, you share in their happiness when something good happens, and you are steady and calm, giving support without letting your own feelings get in the way. This kind of love is about being there for others in good times and bad, with a caring heart. To apply this in your life, think about how you treat your family and friends—be kind every day, try to understand their feelings, share their joy, and keep calm and supportive even when things are tough.