"حرب أهلية؟ ماذا يعني ذلك؟ هل هناك حرب خارجية؟ أليست كل حرب تُخاض بين البشر، بين الإخوة؟"
— Victor Hugo
Simplified Meaning:
When people talk about a "civil war," they often mean a fight between groups within the same country. But, in reality, all wars are fights between human beings. Consider fights among family members or friends. Even though the argument is between people you know and care about, it can be just as painful as fighting with strangers. Imagine two brothers arguing over who gets a toy. They both want the same thing, and their fight can get intense. This is similar to wars between countries. Even when it’s two different places, it's still people, like us, who get hurt and involved in violence. In history, during the American Civil War, it was Americans fighting other Americans. They were citizens of the same country, just like members of a big family having a terrible disagreement. Whether it’s within a country or between nations, the sadness and loss impact humans the same way. We can use this idea to remember that, no matter the conflict, empathy and understanding each other are crucial. When facing disagreements, we should try to see the other person’s viewpoint and work towards peace, just as we would want others to do in our own families.