"On peut avoir un foyer ardent dans son âme et pourtant personne n'est jamais venu s'asseoir à côté. Les passants ne voient qu'un filet de fumée s'échapper de la cheminée et continuent leur chemin."
— Vincent Van Gogh
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, a person can have a lot of passion, love, or creativity inside them, but others might not notice or understand it. Imagine someone who is really good at painting, but they only paint in their room where no one else can see their work. Neighbors walking by might just see a little bit of smoke coming from their chimney and not realize that there’s a warm, inviting fire inside. This can be similar to how people miss the wonderful qualities others might have because they don’t look closely enough or take the time to get to know them. So, if you feel like this, it's important to find ways to share your inner light with others, and if you're just passing by, take a moment to notice the depth in people around you. By doing so, you'll create deeper connections and discover much more about those you meet.