"أعطانا الله هبة الحياة؛ الأمر يعود لنا لنمنح أنفسنا هبة العيش بشكل جيد."
— Voltaire
Simplified Meaning:
We are given life as a basic gift, but how we choose to live it is up to us. Just being alive is not enough; it's important to make the most of our time by pursuing happiness and meaning. Think of it like having a blank canvas and a box of paints. The canvas is the life we've been given, and the paints are our choices and actions. It's our job to create a beautiful painting by making good decisions, helping others, and seeking joy. This advice encourages us to take responsibility for our well-being and strive to live a fulfilling, purposeful life. For example, someone may find joy and satisfaction through acts of kindness or by following their passions, ensuring they don't just exist, but truly live well every day.
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Gratitude Happiness Inspiration Life Mindfulness Motivation Personal growth Philosophy Self-improvement Wellness