“I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.”
— Walt Whitman
Simplified Meaning:
When you're about to make a mistake that you often make, it's like realizing you're about to trip over the same stone again. Imagine you tend to stay up too late watching TV, and each morning you're tired and grumpy. You know this happens every time, but you still find yourself reaching for the remote at midnight. This quote is like that moment when you notice you're repeating your habit, just before you make the same old error. It's recognizing the pattern and that brief instant where you could choose to do something different. If you learn to catch yourself in those moments often, you could start choosing better actions and avoid repeating your usual mistakes. This awareness can help you improve and make better choices.
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Error Growth Human nature Introspection Learning Mistake Personal journey Realization Reflection Self-discoveryFEATURED QUOTES