Critical Thinking Quotes
"You cannot believe in yourself if you let others do your thinking for you"
"Let the views of others educate and inform you, but let your decisions be a product of your own conclusions"
"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
"Great harm proceeds from too much faith
"Don't delude yourself into thinking something's working when it's not or you're gonna get fixated on a bad solution"
"An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it."
"Be able to notice when you're wrong and correct it, because either you have the fastest reflexes known to man, or you don't."
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. "
"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are even stupider. That's scary."
"We cannot simply accept others' truths, but must define "
"The death of dogma is the birth of morality"
"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
"What does it mean to understand something fully? It means to be able to analyze and explain it"
"The wise man does not believe in absolute certainty"
"Decision-making is the heart of administration, and rationality is at the heart of decision-making"
"Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted do not think for themselves"
"Prejudice is a great time saver you can form opinions without having to get the facts"
"Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either."
"If the mind is left out of any solution, one ends up with an insipid and uninspiring answer"
"All logical arguments can be defeated by the simple refusal to reason logically"