Fulfillment Quotes
"I cannot see heaven being much better than this "
"The secret of happiness is to find something more important than you and dedicate your life to it"
"Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion"
"There is nothing like the feeling when you truly come into your own when you connect with those who need you most"
"The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy"
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me."
"The best armor of old age is a well-spent life preceding it"
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get"
"The most fulfilling lives are those which do not get dislodged even by extraordinary circumstances"
"You ain't gotta die to go to heaven"
"The end crowns all."
"Most people die before they are fully born. Creativeness means to be born before one dies"
"People do not get what they want or feel unhappy if they do get it"
"It is not what we get but who we become, what we contribute that gives meaning to our lives"
"Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have."
"You do not pay the price of success, you enjoy the price of success."
"Joy increases as you give it and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible"
"If you can do what you do best and be happy you're further along in life than most people"
"Careful what you wish for, you just might get it all"
"Word to my two-tone Patek, baby, just because you’re good at something doesn't mean you have to do it"