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Healthy Living Quotes
"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease."
"I loved the smell of horse and hay and the sight of their beautiful bodies. Somehow it inspired me to train harder so my body could be in condition like that."
Muhammad Ali
"You don't have to be on a diet to think of numbers or to want to shed a few pounds"
Mae West
"I think the evidence is pretty clear. The more sunshine in our lives, the better we feel."
Ralph Nader
"I think it's important that we look at the underlying causes of our stress and try to dismantle them rather than just try to cover it up with medication"
Gwyneth Paltrow
"The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years"
Deepak Chopra
"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live"
Jim Rohn
"The preservation of health should be the first study of one who is of any worth to oneself"
Rene Descartes
"I eat like a peasant, but I fast like an aristocrat."
Helen Mirren
"Everything in moderation including moderation"
Julia Child
"Keep your life in balance. A balanced life is essential."
Brian Tracy
"The ingredients of health and long life are great temperance "
Philip Sidney