Relationships Quotes
"We come into this world alone, and we leave the same way. The time we spend in between—time spent alive, sharing, learning together—is all that makes life worth living."
"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart."
"People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude"
"Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time"
"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free."
"When we enter a peer relationship, we enter a place where we are very fragile."
"You can’t buy someone's heart. You have to earn it"
"Wish you would learn to love people and use things, and not the other way around"
"I'm not as angry as I used to be. I have a happy wife. I have a happy life"
"My family are my inspiration"
"Don’t tell me what was said about me... Tell me why they were so comfortable to say it to you"
"One best book is equal to a hundred good friends, but one good friend is equal to a library."
"Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by his heart, and his friends can only read the title."
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
"Everybody you fight is not your enemy and everybody who helps you is not your friend"
"Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood"
"Treat people like family, and they will be loyal and give their all"
"Play long-term games with long-term people"
"If you can't see yourself working with someone for life, don't work with them for a day"
"A meaningful life is when you are deeply connected to others, creating something that matters, and experiencing joy along the way." "