Suffering Quotes
"We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full"
"A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears"
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality"
"Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain."
"War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity; it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it"
"The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war"
"God never allows pain without a purpose"
"Only through suffering can we find ourselves."
"The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live"
"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."
"A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears."
"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret"
"Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies "
"The more a thing is perfect, the more it feels pleasure and pain"
"In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice"
"Life without pain has no meaning"
"Everything passes away suffering pain blood hunger pestilence and the sword it all passes away the suffering passes away love passes but the stars remain."
"Sorrow is a sickness worse than any other."
"He who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than is necessary."
"He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it."