"لكن هناك طريقة واحدة في هذا البلد تجعل جميع الرجال متساوين - هناك مؤسسة بشرية واحدة تجعل الفقير مساويًا لروكفلر، والرجل الغبي مساويًا لأينشتاين، والرجل الجاهل مساويًا لأي رئيس جامعة. هذه المؤسسة، يا سادة، هي المحكمة."
— Atticus Finch
Simplified Meaning:
In our country, courts are special places where everyone is treated the same, no matter who they are or where they come from. Imagine a really rich person like Rockefeller and a very poor person who has nothing. In a court, they both get the same fairness and same rules. It's like a big test where it doesn't matter if you are very smart like Einstein or if you never went to school. The rules are the same for everyone, and everyone gets a fair chance. For instance, if two people get into a fight and end up in court, one being a famous celebrity and the other a regular person, the judge has to treat them both the same way, listen to both sides, and make a fair decision based on the law, not based on who is richer or more famous. This helps everyone trust that they can find justice when they need it.