"رویارویی با آنچه درست است، نادیده گرفتن آن نشان دهنده کمبود شجاعت است."
— Confucius
Simplified Meaning:
When you see the right thing to do but don't act on it, it means you're too afraid. Imagine you see someone being bullied at school. You know it's right to stand up for them or get help, but you're scared others will make fun of you or that you might get in trouble. If you choose to ignore the situation, it shows you're not brave enough to do what's right. Everyone faces moments like this, whether at work, at home, or with friends. To live bravely, you should try to take action when you know something is the right thing to do, even if it's hard or scary.
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Courage Ethics Inaction Integrity Moral courage Motivation Personal growth Responsibility RighteousnessFEATURED QUOTES