"لقد أعدت اختراع صورتي مرات عديدة لدرجة أنني أنكر أنني كنت في الأصل امرأة كورية زائدة الوزن."
— David Bowie
Simplified Meaning:
The quote talks about someone who has changed themselves so much that they've almost forgotten who they were at the beginning. Imagine a person who keeps changing their appearance and personality to fit new roles or expectations. Over time, they change so much that they no longer recognize their old self. Think of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. If the butterfly kept changing colors and shapes, it might forget it once was a caterpillar. In real life, someone might start as a shy person and gradually become very outgoing, to the point they can't even believe they were once shy. The advice here is to remember who you are, even if you go through many changes. It’s okay to grow and change, but don't lose touch with your original self. For instance, if you start a new job or move to a new place, you might adapt to new situations but still keep your core values and memories close.