"هل لاحظت من قبل أن أي شخص يقود أبطأ منك هو أحمق وأي شخص يقود أسرع منك هو مجنون؟"
— George Carlin
Simplified Meaning:
When you're driving, it often feels like people going slower than you are foolish and those speeding ahead are reckless. This is because we tend to think that our way of driving is the correct one. It's a way of saying that we often judge others based on our own perspective, thinking our actions are always right. For example, if you're driving at a certain speed and someone is slower, you might get annoyed, thinking they don't know how to drive. On the other hand, if someone zooms past you, you might think they're driving dangerously. This applies to many areas of life, not just driving. We often judge others without considering their reasons. Understanding this can help us be more patient and less judgmental. If you find yourself frustrated with others, try to remember that everyone has their own reasons for what they do. This mindset can make you more empathetic and tolerant.