“The older I get, the more open to vulnerability I am or the softer I am.”
— Gwyneth Paltrow
Simplified Meaning:
As people grow older, they often become more willing to show their true feelings and fears. This openness can make them seem more gentle or kind. For example, when you're young, you might try to look tough and hide when you're scared or sad. But as you age, you realize it's okay to admit you're struggling and to ask for help. This change happens because with age, people understand that everyone has weaknesses, and showing them can bring closer relationships and more genuine connections. By allowing themselves to be vulnerable, they can build stronger bonds and receive support from others, leading to a more fulfilling life.
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Aging Emotional maturity Empathy Life experience Personal growth Self-acceptance Self-awareness Softness Vulnerability WisdomFEATURED QUOTES