"أن تكون متقدمًا كثيرًا عن وقتك لا يمكن تمييزه عن كونك مخطئًا"
— Howard S. Marks
Simplified Meaning:
When you're too advanced for the current moment, people may not understand you or your ideas, and they might think you're incorrect. Imagine a person invents a very futuristic and helpful device, but people at that time don't see its value or know how to use it. They might think it's a silly or bad idea because they can't appreciate its potential yet. Just like in history, when great scientists or artists created something new and nobody understood them, so they were seen as mistaken or even crazy. For example, when the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, first created it, many people didn't understand its importance. They saw it as a useless invention because they had never seen anything like it before. But as time went on, everyone saw its incredible value. If you have new or unusual ideas, be patient and persistent. Understand that people might not get them right away, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Eventually, others may catch up and see the brilliance in what you've been trying to show all along.