"يُسألني كثيرًا: "ما الذي سيتغير في العشر سنوات القادمة؟" نادرًا ما يُطرح عليّ السؤال، والأهم على الأرجح - وأشجعكم على التفكير في هذا - هو السؤال: ما الذي لن يتغير؟ إجابة هذا السؤال يمكن أن تسمح"
— Jeff Bezos
Simplified Meaning:
People often ask about what will change in the future, and this is a common and interesting question. However, it's less common for people to ask about what will stay the same. Thinking about what won't change is actually more useful, especially for planning a business. For example, customers will always want good service and low prices. By focusing on these unchanging needs, a business can develop a strong and lasting strategy. This approach helps companies stay relevant and successful over time. So, instead of only preparing for change, it’s smart to also consider what will always be important to people.
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Business growth Business strategy Change management Future predictions Innovation Long-term vision Stability Strategic planningFEATURED QUOTES