"ليس الأمر أن الحياة قصيرة جدًا، بل أننا ننتظر وقتًا طويلًا لنبدأ"
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Simplified Meaning:
People often think life is too short, but really, the problem is that many of us delay taking action or pursuing our dreams. We keep waiting for the perfect moment or feel afraid to start, and before we know it, a lot of time has passed. Imagine someone who wants to learn to play the guitar; they might keep thinking, "I'll start next week," but end up saying this for years. Instead of waiting, starting earlier helps us enjoy and achieve more. This idea reminds us to begin our important tasks and dreams now rather than putting them off. If there's something you've been wanting to do, it's better to start today than wait for the perfect time that may never come.
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Carpe diem Inspiration Life Living fully Mindfulness Motivation Personal growth Procrastination Self-improvement TimeFEATURED QUOTES