"J'ai pensé que si je le disais suffisamment, je convaincrais le monde que j'étais vraiment le meilleur."
— Muhammad Ali
Simplified Meaning:
Muhammad Ali believed that by constantly telling people he was the best, they would start to believe it, and he would also believe it himself. When someone keeps saying something positive about themselves, it can actually help build their confidence and change how others see them too. For example, if a student keeps telling themselves and others that they are good at math, they might start to feel more confident about it, work harder, and get better grades. This approach can help in many areas of life, like applying for a job. If you keep telling yourself and others that you are the right person for the job, you may act more confidently in the interview and increase your chances of getting hired. The key is to be persistent and believe in your own potential, which can ultimately influence how others perceive you.