"Ne te venge pas. Évite tes ennemis si tu peux. Ne cherche pas à les vaincre. Si le destin t'amène à eux, tant mieux. Sinon, laisse-les se balancer à leurs propres cordes."
— Neil Gaiman
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is suggesting that it's better not to try to get revenge on your enemies or go out of your way to defeat them. Instead, avoid them when you can and don't spend your energy trying to come out on top. If you happen to cross paths with them due to circumstances beyond your control, so be it. However, if you don't, let them deal with their own problems by themselves. Imagine you have a co-worker who always tries to make you look bad in front of your boss. Instead of plotting how to expose their mistakes, focus on doing your job well. Chances are, their bad behavior will eventually catch up with them without you having to intervene. This approach saves you stress and keeps your mind clear. It also means you’re not lowering yourself to their level. So, by focusing on your path and letting them handle the consequences of their actions, you maintain your integrity and peace of mind.