"Vous ne devez pas toujours croire ce que je dis. Les questions vous incitent à mentir, surtout quand il n'y a pas de réponse."
— Pablo Picasso
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, people might not tell the truth, especially when they are asked questions that are hard to answer or have no clear answer. Imagine you're at school, and your teacher asks you why a big event happened in history. If you don't know the real reason, you might feel pressured to make something up just to give an answer. This is like forcing someone to tell a lie because they don't have a true answer. The advice here is to be cautious when taking what people say at face value, especially when you know they're in a tough spot. It also reminds us to be honest and admit when we don't know something, instead of feeling the need to come up with an answer no matter what. This way, we stay true to ourselves and maintain trust with others.
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Communication Doubt Lies Misleading Mystery Questions Self-awareness Skepticism Truth UncertaintyFEATURED QUOTES