"Siempre estás aprendiendo. El problema es que, a veces, te detienes y piensas que entiendes el mundo. Esto no es correcto. El mundo está siempre en movimiento. Nunca llegas al punto en el que puedas dejar de hacer un esfuerzo."
— Paulo Coelho
Simplified Meaning:
People learn new things all the time, but sometimes they think they understand everything around them. This isn't true because the world keeps changing. For example, imagine learning how to use a computer 10 years ago and thinking you know everything about it. Over time, new technology comes out, and if you stop learning, you'd quickly fall behind. To stay up-to-date and capable, you need to keep learning and adapting. Your knowledge must grow as the world changes so you never stop trying to understand and improve. This mindset helps you stay relevant and capable in an ever-changing world.
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Constant change Continuous effort Growth mindset Learning Life lessons Personal development Self-improvementFEATURED QUOTES