"هیچ دلیل کاملاً اثبات شدهای برای اعتقاد به خدا وجود ندارد. اگر از کودکی این مسئله به شما القا شده باشد، ممکن است باور داشته باشید که کتابی خاص درست است و کلام خدا است. رها کردن آن آسان نیست، اما باید این کار را انجام دهید."
— Richard Dawkins
Simplified Meaning:
Growing up, many of us are taught certain beliefs by our parents or community, such as religious beliefs. Imagine being told that a certain book holds all the truth about life because it is written by a divine being. It's like being told from a young age that there’s a specific way to view the world, without any real evidence other than the tradition itself. As we grow older and gather more knowledge, it's important to question these beliefs, even if it’s difficult to change what we’ve always known. Think about it like discovering new and better ways to understand the world around us, or learning more accurate facts about history or science that we didn't know before. It’s challenging to step away from what feels comfortable and familiar, but opening our minds can lead to clearer thinking and a more accurate understanding of the world. This helps us make better decisions based on reason and evidence, rather than just blindly following what we were told as children.