"Il est fort peu probable que je puisse vous aider maintenant car je n'ai aucun moyen de savoir comment le faire Vous devez simplement continuer à lire les livres pour le découvrir"
— Roald Dahl
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, people face problems or questions that others can't easily solve for them. For example, if you're trying to fix something at home and someone tells you they don't know how to help, it means they can't give you the exact answer you need right now. Instead, they suggest you keep looking for information, like reading instructions or books, to find the solution on your own. It's about encouraging self-reliance and learning to solve problems by seeking knowledge. This approach helps you become better at figuring things out by yourself, which is a valuable skill. So, if you ever find yourself stuck, remember that sometimes the best way forward is to keep learning and exploring until you find the answer.
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Books Exploration Guidance Indecision Knowledge Learning Persistence Reading Self-discovery UncertaintyFEATURED QUOTES