"إلى الجنون منهم. المنبوذين. الثوار. مثيري المشاكل. الأوتاد المستديرة في الثقوب المربعة. الذين يرون الأمور بشكل مختلف. إنهم لا يحبون القوانين. وليس لديهم احترام للوضع الراهن. يمكنك أن تنقل عنهم، تختلف معهم، تمجدهم أو تشوه سمعتهم. تقريباً الشيء الوحيد الذي ل"
— Steve Jobs
Simplified Meaning:
This quote celebrates people who think differently and don't fit in with the usual way of doing things. These are the people who don't follow rules just because they're there and aren't afraid to question how things have always been done. Think of famous inventors like Thomas Edison or visionaries like Steve Jobs. They were seen as unusual or even crazy because their ideas were so new and different. But because they dared to think differently and challenge the norm, they ended up changing the world in big ways. This quote tells us that having the courage to be different and to believe in your unique ideas can lead to greatness. It encourages us to embrace our individuality and use it to make a positive impact.
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Change Creativity Genius Individuality Innovation Nonconformity Progress Rebellion Trailblazers VisionariesFEATURED QUOTES