Mind Quotes
"The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. "
"Of all the causes which conspire to blind Man’s erring judgment and misguide the mind What the weak head with strongest bias rules Is pride the never-failing vice of fools"
"I am not one of those who believe that taking drugs produces a permanent bettering of the human mind. Every great writer, every genuine artist, has had the experience of being intoxicated by language."
"The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter."
"The mind is the most powerful tool we have for creating the life we want"
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. "
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man"
"The body cannot live without the mind"
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"
"The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong."
"The soul never thinks without a picture"
"There is no Final Resting Place of the Mind."
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is"
"I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering."
"The ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth."
"The human mind is our fundamental resource"
"Wealth is of the heart and mind, not the pocket"
"Diamonds are to be found only in the darkness of the earth, and truth in the darkness of the mind"
"There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad"