Personal Growth Quotes
"Virtue is its own reward"
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain"
"Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being but by integration of the contraries"
"The only limit to your success is your own imagination"
"The wiser the man, the more doubts he has."
"To create a more sincere experience of ourselves we have to be willing to express what we would otherwise repress "
"It's a great blessing, we should think, for a person to have a fault to work on that isn't necessarily too bad in itself "
"The desire to not meet expectations may be the only expectation we silently cherish "
"I am out with lanterns looking for myself "
"The soul should always stand ajar ready to welcome the ecstatic experience "
"Believe in yourself and speak what you want into existence"
"No one will ever accept anything I have to say and that's okay. The point is to make people think"
"I will not let anyone scare me out of my full potential"
"If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one"
"The soul of the journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do just as one pleases"
"At the end of the day, you won't be happy until you love yourself"
"If you're wondering which way to go, just remember that your career will never wake up and tell you it doesn't love you anymore"
"Habit is a compromise effected between an individual and his environment."
"A man's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child at play"
"There are two types of people in the world: those who try to win and those who try to win arguments. They are never the same"