Results Quotes
"You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them."
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."
"You always succeed in producing a result."
"Well done is better than well said"
"If you put that effort in, you'll get what you want"
"It's not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results"
"People don't care about what you say, they care about what you build"
"Don't tell me what you know, tell me what you did"
"Do not tell them what you are going to do. Do not tell them what you have done. Show them what you are doing"
"If you don't find the time, if you don't do the work, you don't get the results."
"When it comes down to it, nothing trumps execution."
"We’re more interested in making things happen than in making our name known."
"They let me do my thing, I always feel that’s the best way to get good results"
"What gets measured gets managed."
"One beats the bushes; another rakes the fruits"
"Duty is ours; results are God's"
"It is very dangerous to have your self-worth riding on your results as an athlete"
"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results"
"Execution is the chariot of genius "
"A consistent outlook creates a consistent output"