"أفضل طريقة لمساعدة الناس على التغيير هي مساعدتهم على فهم من هم وكيف يعملون ولماذا يعتبر عملهم مهماً"
— Jacqueline Novogratz
Simplified Meaning:
To help someone improve, it's important to make sure they really know themselves. This means they should understand their strengths, weaknesses, and what makes them unique. Next, they need to figure out how they do things—what their habits are, how they make decisions, and how they solve problems. Finally, people should see why their efforts are important and how their work makes a difference. For example, a teacher helping a student who struggles with math might start by pointing out the student's ability to think creatively, showing her how she can use that skill in solving math problems. Then, the teacher can help her develop better study habits and understand how practicing regularly improves her skills. Lastly, by explaining how math is used in everyday life, like in budgeting and cooking, the student might find new motivation. By following these steps, the student gains self-awareness, better working methods, and a sense of purpose, making her more likely to succeed.