"أحب أن أخرج وأجعل يدي متسخة. أحب أن أجري في الملعب."
— Lebron James
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about someone who enjoys being actively involved instead of just watching from the sidelines. They prefer to take action and directly participate, whether it's in work, sports, or any activity. Imagine a person who loves gardening, for instance. Instead of just planning what plants to buy or how to arrange them, they actually dig into the soil, plant the seeds, water them, and take care of the garden every day. This hands-on approach helps them learn more and feel more connected to what they are doing. Similarly, in sports, it’s like preferring to play in the basketball game rather than just sitting on the bench and watching others. The person finds joy and satisfaction in being part of the effort and experiencing everything first-hand. By taking this approach, they gain more skills and experience, making them better at what they do. Moreover, this attitude keeps them engaged and motivated.