"أنا لست شيئًا مميزًا، أنا متأكد من ذلك. أنا رجل عادي بأفكار عادية وقد عشت حياة عادية. لا توجد نصب تذكارية مكرسة لي واسمي سوف يُنسى قريبًا، لكني أحببت شخصًا آخر بكل قلبي وروحي، وهذا كان دائمًا كافيًا لي."
— Nicholas Sparks
Simplified Meaning:
The person is saying they are just an ordinary person with ordinary ideas and an ordinary life. They have never done anything famous, and people won't remember their name. But they have loved someone deeply, and that has always made them happy.
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Common man Heartfelt Humility Legacy Love Ordinary life Satisfaction Self-awareness Soulful Unconditional loveFEATURED QUOTES