"Je suis allé dans une librairie et j'ai demandé à la vendeuse Où est le rayon développement personnel Elle a dit que si elle me le disait cela irait à l'encontre du but"
— George Carlin
Simplified Meaning:
When someone goes to a bookstore and asks for help finding the self-help section, it shows they are looking for guidance on improving themselves. However, the saleswoman responds that giving directions to the self-help section would mean the customer isn't really helping themselves. Her response indicates that finding the section on their own is the first step toward becoming more independent or self-reliant. Imagine you're trying to learn how to ride a bike. If someone always holds the bike for you, you'll never really learn to balance on your own. Similarly, in self-help, figuring things out by yourself is part of the growth process. If a person relies too much on others to solve their problems, they miss the chance to develop important skills. So, the next time you're trying to improve yourself, remember that some of the work must come from within. Taking those first steps alone can make you stronger in the long run.